What Is the Optimal Amount of Exercise for a Healthy Heart || Shri Ram Medical College.

One of the most important things you can do for the health of your heart and lungs is to exercise regularly, in addition to eating a good diet and not smoking. Heart health is improved and risk factors for heart disease are lowered by regular exercise. In addition to reducing blood pressure, it also helps with managing cholesterol and other blood fat levels. Because of the beneficial effects of increased blood flow, both blood pressure and heart rate can be reduced by regular aerobic activity. Aerobic exercise and strength training are equally effective at reducing body fat and raising metabolic rate. Building muscle increases resting metabolic rate. No matter what form of exercise you prefer—a morning swim of 20 laps or a stroll around the block—you’ll reap several health benefits. Getting exercising has several positive effects on your health, including increased energy and less stress. Keeping track of your heart rate throughout exercise is a great method to gauge the intensity of your work
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