THE NATURE OF SOURCE ~ Galactic Federation of Worlds’ Emissary for Terra Elena Danaan~June 02 2023

It is my honor to speak on behalf of Oraa Nataru Shari, powerful organization I am working with. We are reminding you how you can alter the very fabric of space-time and what Creator Source truly is. How confusion comes from a place of pain and how to heal it and gain clarity. We are also insisting on the fact that there are no so-called “non-player characters“, and we are explaining how this manipulative psychological operation is a re-do from the World War II tragedy, to desensitize and normalize genocide. --- For more: ------“A GIFT FROM THE STARS“ : ---“WE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN“: --- “THE SEEDERS“ : ---“AREA 51“: #galacticfederationofworlds #aliens #ufoー #thorhan #thoran #ardaana #highcommand #extraterrestrial #thor_han #val_nek #valnek #enki #Ea #source
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