"Von morgen ab will ich solide sein!" (Palm) Otto Kermbach 1939

– click “Show More“ for the full description – Von morgen ab will ich solide sein! [Bummel-Foxtrot] Composer: Emil Palm (189_-1963) Lyricist: Ernst Petermann (1889-1970) Publisher: Akla-Musikverlag [Erich Plessow], Berlin, 1939 Opening Line: Komisch ist es, daß sich auf der kugelrunden Welt Vocal Group: Heyn-Quartett, Berlin [Hans Göbel, Robert Jonas, Walter Bartoschek, Erich Heyn] Instrumental Group: Kapelle Otto Kermbach, Berlin Recording Date: 1939 Recording Location: Berlin, Central-Theater (Alte Jakobstraße 30-32) Record Company: Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin Digitized by Ivan Ž., 2010 NOT to be used for commercial purposes “Von morgen ab will ich solide sein“ [I Will Be Solid, Starting Tomorrow] is a humorous German song from 1939, about a “party-guy“. It originally had three strophes, the 1st one was recorded here. The solo singer credited on the label as “Hanns Goebels“ is Hans G&
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