Only Human (Sasuke x Sakura) AMV

...D: the reunion was animated at last. and I was kinda disappointed. xD I wanted it to be animated by the same guys as that other episode with all the freaking memories! Oh well. Now’s the wait for another reunion in the manga... which will probably be in like two more years. Sooooo, made this today, I have been wanting to make it since I saw the episode, but really really busy with school for one more week, becauseeee next week my vacation’s finally starting! So expect a lot of videos coming by then. Both Damon/Elena ones and Sasuke/Sakura of course, and maybe some other stuff idkx’D I need to get rid of my addiction for those two. well, hope you like, I love this freaking song even though it’s overused. I made the video in kinda the same style as Too Late, so maybe you found it too much the same and boring, but I hope you like. D:
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