《卷珠帘》 霍尊 ♥ ♪♫*• 听微风 耳畔响。。 •♥*♪。。

谢谢热心人士的英语翻译 ( English translation) :- 《卷珠帘》 霍尊 ’Raised Pearl Curtain’ by Huo Zun 镌刻好 每道眉间心上 Engrave, between every brow, upon every heart 画间透过思量 Between every stroke, filled with ruminating thoughts 沾染了 墨色淌 Soaked, the color of ink flows 千家文 都泛黄 Books of thousand homes, all but yellowed 夜静谧 窗纱微微亮 The night quiet, gauze curtain aglow 拂袖起舞于梦中徘徊 Raised sleeves in dance, hanging about in dreams 相思蔓上心扉 Yearning; to crawl upon the window of the heart 她眷ö
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