Звучание RCA LC-1а в корпусе

Considered one of the best speaker ever made. For sale is a pair of legendary RCA MI-11411-A Speakers. This is the A version of famous LC1 series of speakers designed by Harry Olson in the 1950s. Primarily used in Radio and Television broadcast, as well as recording studios (the RCA ’Living Stereo’ recordings were mastered through LC-1A’s). They eventually found their way into the homes of very well-heeled and discriminating ’hi-fi’ buffs. Introduced sometime after 1950, Olson added the famous ’camel bumps’ to the low frequency cone, and the ’butterfly’ deflector to the tweeter. These new driver units were called LC-1A’s. The speaker sounds incredible. There are a few collapsed “camel bumps“ but this does not degrade the sound at all. The cabinet is solid. Could use a re-finish.
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