FOUR GET ME A NOTS / Cat and myself【Official Music Video】

出演: 水無月いと / 東宮綾音 監督/撮影/プロデューサー: 末吉ノブ 助手: 王一川 / 小泉陸杜 / 大和田里奈 / フェルナンデス直行 ヘアメイク: ナカムラケイ スタイリスト: 堀ななみ 撮影協力: 南房総フィルムコミッション / コーラル南房総オートキャンプ場 ___________________________ Cat and myself I can’t feel the smallest things in everyday life Why am l crying again now watcing little scenes from TV screen I’m full of myself with a drink just wasting my weekends It makes me wonder all the time What am I doing here Not that I just want to forget about the past I want to be reborn again Future is ahead Where I belong to live I will survive today Someone said It must be great to be a cat Everybody once imagined Turnin’ into being something else But it will soon just disappear It must be hard to be to be a cat and in the end I have to be myself What if we continue to meet nobody Will there be a meaning of exisitence of you and me Living in a such a world are we really here are we really alive are we really alive 日常の些細なことに心は動かないのに 映画やアニメのワンシーンに涙が出る そんな自分と手持ちの酒に酔いながら せ
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