I am Divine Energy | CROWN CHAKRA SOUNDBATH feat Big Tibetan Singing Bowls | Activate Pineal Gland
I am Divine Energy | CROWN CHAKRA SOUNDBATH feat Big Tibetan Singing Bowls | Activate Pineal Gland
⌘ AFFIRMATIONS to Activate Crown Chakra ⌘
Reciting affirmation silently along with this music can be very helpful as it bring the focus and sets the intentions for the meditation. Here are some of the crown chakra affirmation which can be super helpful when opening up this chakra and establishing a divine connection. Feel free to add yours in the comments.
- I embrace the sacred divine energy within me.
- I am full of love and universal energy radiating through me
- I am energy.
- Universe guides my energy in the right direction
- I am present, and fully aware of my divine energy and its powers
- My energy is aligned with the universe
- I flow with my inner guiding light
- i am at peace with myself
- I am here, I am present, giving myself fully in the present moment
ISRC : AUTMZ2210058