A Blitz Thriller from The GCT St Louis Rapid & Blitz 2019 | Carlsen vs Mamedyarov

Warning: You have stumbled upon the greatest collection of free chess videos Magnus Carlsen vs Shakhriyar Mamedyarov GCT St. Louis Rapid & Blitz 2019 (blitz), St Louis, MO USA, rd 3, Aug-13 Indian Game: Saemisch-Indian (A50) • 1-0 Nf6 b6 Bb7 e6 Bb4 Bxc3 Ne4 0–0 d6 10.0–0 Nxc3 Nd7 Nf6 exd5 Re8 Qd7 Re7 g6 Rc8 Ng4 Qxg4 Qd7 f5
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