Новый способ найти настоящие корейские хорошие рестораны, рекомендованные местными жителями | Idol Korean Class

These days, people look for good restaurants on Twitter, not Instagram🤔❓ Did you know that you can find ✨REAL good restaurants✨ on Twitter❔ The hashtag(#) you use when you want to recommend delicious food to bias, Meokxitag❗ Using the Meokxitag , they chose the delicious food that ELSE recommend for DOHYON ssaem and ate it🍴 🐹🐻 : Today’s shoot is the happiest... Lesson 19 :The best way to recommend a good restaurant to your favorite member [📕] Today’s word -Meaning of 먹시태그(Meokxitag) : Eating(“먹“다) hashtag(#), Hashtag to recommend good restaurants to bias [🎁] Today’s Challenge Please recommend good restaurents around the world with bias’ 먹시태그 on Twitter with a hashtag #배칠삼과_한국어공부. Through a raffle, we’l
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