Сильникова Дарья Игоревна - репетитор по английскому языку - видеопрезентация #ассоциациярепетиторов

Для связи с репетитором перейдите по ссылке - Телеграм-канал Ассоциация репетиторов : Hey there! You are welcome here! Daria is my name, teaching is my vocation. Qualifications and educational background - Arizona State University, the USA (TESOL), Moscow State Region University (graduated with distinction). My major is Linguistics, specialization- Teaching foreign languages and cultures (English and German). Working experience- I have been teaching since the first year of my university. So, all in all it’s almost 5 years (2018-2022). Our professors encouraged us to start our professional career as soon as possible. Thus, the received at university teaching theory turned into practice immediately. Being a student, i was willing to take any job. As a result, i gained valuable experience working with all age groups from young learners to adults, with different learning goals, including quite challenging cases. Teaching philosophy- I DO believe that the truth is always somewhere in the middle, that is why it’s not only Communicative Approach (which is so glorified nowadays) that appeals to me but also some elements of Functional Approach, Grammar-Translation Approach, Lexical approach etc. What i believe is that all students are unique with their individual learner’s characteristics and we cannot ignore their needs. So, the way is to adjust to them and make the most of all existing approaches. The other thing i believe in is creativity. It’s everything. I create my own teaching material according to the needs of students. But still, it would be not so smart of me to refuse to use official materials with a clear consistency and logic developed by intelligent Cambridge, Oxford, Pearson methodologists. So, i use such authentic studentbooks as «Gateway» (Macmillan), «Solutions»(Oxford), “New English File“ (Oxford), “Super Minds“ (Cambridge) and others. As for the German language, I have 3 German language certificates confirming my level of German language proficiency. They were received in the German cultural center of Goethe (Goethe Zertifikat): A1(2014), A2(2015), B1(2016). In 2017 I passed The Unified State Exam of English with flying colours- 96 points out of 100. I know the whole structure of this exam, the main secrets of preparation and “pitfalls”, so I am happy to help future applicants! I get a buzz from studying linguistics as a science and enjoy learning all the new methods of teaching foreign languages. I have a large number of certificates and diplomas (1, 2, 3 degrees) for participating in various competitions, conferences, courses, olympiads and master classes dedicated to the study of foreign languages. And.. that’s pretty much it! See you soon! #репетитор #поискрепетитора #найтирепетитора #ассоциациярепетиторов #репетиторпоанглийскому #английский #английскийязык
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