Crossfire - Amazing Weapons! *Dual Desert included*

More cool, kewl, epic, AMAZING weapons, :D And if it wasn’t enough, a few more videos are coming soon, including a huge surprise, :3 -RX4 Storm. -Galil Arm (We have it, I KNOW, just didn’t wanted to remove it). -PP19 Bizon. -Wood Hammer. -Scar Heavy Camo. -Yellow Smoke. -Lucky Grenade. -AK47 Knife - Black Stripe. -Gold Desert (yellow version from almost all versions of CF). -Crystal Desert. -Bronze Desert. -Silver Desert. -Gold Desert (pure gold, :o from CFVN). -Dual Desert Eagle. -M4A1-X Camo. -Funny clips. Btw, DrunkAngel (jarode12) is the one dancing on Heraklops’ head, :D Like a boss! H...ell yeah! :3 __________________________________ Music: -“Damage Inc.“ by Metallica. -“Moneytalks“ by AC/DC. -“Rock you like a Hurricane“ by Scorpions. -“Back in Black“ by AC/DC. __________________________________ Hope you will enjoy, :3 Thanks to DragonUzi (OtoSama in the vi
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