🎵 BASSTON, STROBE, TAZZY - FORMULA (TECHNO) Tazzy and the producers they work with are pretty amazing! Some of the covers and remixes they’ve produced are on my daily rotation of songs I listen to, and FORMULA is one of the first TECHNO covers I’ve heard this year that made me say “I want to upload this on Trap Nation and change what I upload in general“. I’m grateful for Tazzy taking the initiative and inspiring other artists to do the same. Check them out on Spotify or even YouTube at - MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW AND SHOW TAZZY AND ITS FRIENDS LOVE ❤️☝️ 🙋‍♂️ Follow TAZZY ✗ ✗ ✗ Trap Nation 🎌 🎶 More Music: ✗ Spotify Playlists:
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