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Урок-конференция по Скайпу в понедельник, 27 ноября 2023 года, в по МСК.
Ссылка на урок (пройдите в это время по этой ссылке):
Приглашаются все желающие (учителя, ученики, а также занимающиеся английским самостоятельно). Уровень b1 –b2.
Тема: Internet security.
Желательно выполнить домашнее задание к уроку:
1. Посмотреть и постараться понять видео по теме урока:
2. После просмотра выберите одно из трёх нижепредставленных описаний видео, которое наилучшим образом подходит к этому видео.
In the video, the focus is on the various measures one can take to secure their online presence. It highlights the role of technology, such as antivirus software and two-factor authentication, in protecting against cyber threats. The video also emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, such as being cautious with unknown emails and regularly backing up files. It concludes by stating that by implementing these measures, individuals can create a safe digital landscape for themselves.
In the video, the importance of safeguarding one’s online presence is emphasized due to the prevalence of data breaches and cyber attacks. The video suggests steps to protect oneself, such as using antivirus software, adjusting privacy settings on social media, and implementing two-factor authentication. Regular backups and caution with unknown emails or links are also advised. Finally, the video stresses the importance of educating oneself about potential online risks.
In the video, it’s suggested that online security is not a concern in the digital age. It implies that antivirus software and privacy settings are unnecessary measures. Instead, the video focuses on the benefits of sharing personal information on social media and accepting unknown emails or links. It concludes by stating that education about potential online risks is unnecessary as the digital world is a safe haven.
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