Salt Frequency - Purify Your Environment (neutralize ions in the air)

Salt is regarded as a potent purifying agent capable of cleansing and safeguarding the environment. Its abilities extend to absorbing negative energies, whether emotional or psychic, and neutralizing them. Placing salt strategically or employing it in rituals is believed to help banish harmful vibrations, fostering a more positive and harmonious atmosphere. Salt is often utilized to purify sacred space, forming a protective barrier that bars entry to unwanted energies or entities, allowing for the creation of a safe, consecrated and purified environment. Incorporating salt into rituals or ceremonies is thought to purify both physical and energetic spaces, eliminating stagnant or malevolent energies. The relaxing music I make captures the metaphysical properties of crystals. It is meant for those who want to meditate, relax or need to study/work and focus. I use specific frequencies to help you calm the body and feel at peace. I personally use my own videos for meditation every morning.
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