Make a Chimpanzee from Scratch!

Needle felting is an artform that allows one to sculpt with wool. It involves poking clumps of wool with a barbed needle which catches the fibers and causes them to entangle and hook together. The more you poke the clump of wool the more entangled the fibers get, causing the wool to shrink and increase in density. This is made possible by the fact that wool fibers have microscopic scales that will hook onto other fibers. This is a time-lapse video showing the creation of a life-size needle felted chimpanzee. The video represents approximately 400 hours of work over 3 months. The sculpture is of a male common chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) and it is made of nothing but wool over a simple steel wire armature. The sculpture was commissioned by Andrew Zuckerman for Chamber Collection #2 () and will be on display at Chamber until February 2016. Video courtesy of Andrew Zuckerman Studio For more of my work check out my blog or my instagram: http:Хотите понаблюдать за работой мастера? Кто ж не хочет)) Вы не поверите своим глазам, но за 2 минуты вы увидите процесс создания шимпанзе в технике сухого валяния (внимание!!!) в натуральную величину! Автор Kiyoshi Mino
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