Sea of Thieves | Top 10 Sea Shantys of all TIME | Animated Song | Mr Weebl

We’re back with a song based on Sea of Thieves and what you do in the game. Have you got the time? Spammals’ channel : This song was made with the help and input from all the lovely people on our twitch stream. If you want to get involved then hop over to here. Big thanks to: GhostlyTuna Gosunkugi Jed Liquidborn GameHogGames Spammals And everyone else in the twitch chat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MrWeebl is a channel of fun and silliness, with songs and cartoons and even cartoon songs. Wow. Some call it random. It’s not random. It’s absurd look at life because day-to-day life is ridiculous. Want more? I stream every weekday on Twitch and I mouth off a lot on twitter. If you really want to help us then please consider supporting our work via Patreon. Or you can always visit our website
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