How to Paint Studio Ghibli Style Clouds | Acrylic Tutorial

Sharing with you some techniques I use when it comes to painting studio ghibli style clouds using acrylic paint. The video is quite lengthy because I wanted to keep as much of the footage in real time as possible, so that you can see exactly what I’m doing. If you have any questions at all just let me know :) ✦ MATERIALS USED ✦ ➫ acrylic painting pad 400gsm ➫ moleskine sketchbook ➫ acrylic paint: titanium white, cerulean blue, primary cyan and cadmium red (any white, blue and red paint will do) ✦ SHOP ✦ ✦ SKILLSHARE CLASS ✦ ✦ PATREON - REAL-TIME TUTORIALS ✦ ✦ INSTAGRAM ✦ ✦ ART SUPPLIES ✦ ✦ MUSIC ✦ d
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