☺ Dreaming Awake (One Man Band)

This is Live Recording ! No playback ! I just want it to be clear. ;) Thanks Downloads MySpace Twitter Facebook iTunes Gears used: Audio recorded using Yamaha MR816CSX, Cubase 5 Video recorded and edited using Canon EOS 60D, Adobe Premiere Guitar: Gibson SG Supreme, LePou Lecto, Redwirez impulses response Bass: Ahhhh... cheap bass ! (I don’t like the sound from that bass... ugly... but I don’t want to put my ESP B-1005 on the floor with my feet on it! ;) ) Drums: Roland TD-20 with Superior Drummer plugin on Cubase. For the mixing process, I use a lot of the 3rd party librairies with Acustica-Audio Nebula 3 Pro ! Awesome plugin !!!
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