Large Language Models from Prototype to Production

The remarkable capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) have taken center stage, sparking widespread discussion and speculation about their impact. What does the future hold in store? Will our communication be solely with bots? Is the advent of prompting destined to eclipse conventional programming? Or are we simply amplifying excitement around inconsistent digital mimics and channeling investments into the unknown? In this insightful presentation, Ines Montani from spaCy/Explosion AI will unveil the potential future landscapes of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the dynamic era of LLMs. She will also share a pragmatic and actionable approach for harnessing the capabilities of Large Language Models to successfully transition NLP projects from initial prototypes to full-fledged production. Join Ines as she navigates the current applications and anticipates the future trajectories of LLMs in the continually evolving domain of NLP. PUBLICATION PERMISSIONS: PyData provided Coding Tech with the permission to republish PyData talks. CREDITS: PyData YouTube channel: @PyDataTV/videos
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