Outer Wilds - Travelers (Dark Bramble Version)

The version of the song “Travelers“ by Andrew Prahlow from the game Outer Wilds. Instruments fade in one at a time and play together (drums, bass, guitar, vocals). This is the _totally real_ version that plays exclusively in Dark Bramble while listening to the Outer Wilds Ventures frequency. #outerwilds #guitarheroworldtourdefinitiveedition #ghwtde ...You read the description? I know last time I said I wouldn’t do bulky characters for Guitar Hero... so I did Feldspar and an Angler fish. _Technically_ I’m not a liar! On another note, after looking through all the songs for Guitar Hero, there seem to be a few that match some things from Outer Wilds a little _too_ well. Might do a few more with more characters later.
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