Jennifer Lawrence - Behind The Scenes - Jennifer Lawrence Foundation
A behind the scenes look into my project with Jennifer Lawrence for The Jennifer Lawrence Foundation and the collaborative efforts to make it the best is possibly can be.
A special thanks to Nadus Films, Jennifer Lawrence, Karen Lawrence, Meredith Lawrence, Andy Treinen, Frazier History Museum, Ina & Marcella Events, JP Davis, Fund For The Arts, Jordan Hartley, Hunter Zieske, Louis Tinsley, Stacy Swiderski, Digital Transitions and Oliphant Studios.
I’m Clay Cook, I’m an editorial and portrait photographer based in Louisville, Kentucky.
I was contracted by the Jennifer Lawrence Foundation to photograph Jennifer and photograph Jennifer with children that she supports. During these two days, I’d only have about a couple minutes with Jen. There was a lot of moving parts, there was a lot of variables to lock in. We had to shoot this on location at a museum called the Frazier History Museum. There is currently a Hunger Games exh