’’I know I’ll never forget the way I always felt with you beside me and how you loved me then.’’ ♥
1080p headphones if you can please! Voiceovers added in english subtitles.
Subscribe my friend in case you haven’t already, she’s a wonderful vidder!!
Happy very belated birthday sweetie!! I finally managed to finish your bday video, i know it’s so late but i can barely manage to finish a video these days. I was really inspired by this song and since it’s really undervidded i figured you’d enjoy a video with it, i hope you like it!! I wanted to include so many more couples that you love but there’s only so much you can fit in a video haha. Plus this beautiful song is all about love changing you and i wanted to focus on couples that fit it ♥ Hope you enjoy!! Love you hunnie and our friendship, thank you for being here ♥
Comments&likes are always appreciated ♥ subscribe with bells on cause i do