10 Strangest Unexplained Animal Behaviors In Nature

From sea animals acting extremely inappropriately to some clever critters hitching a ride, here are some really strange and weird animals that do strange things. Subscribe to Epic Wildlife 10: Dolphins Starting the list today is an animal we all know and love. I am of course talking about dolphins. Dolphins are widely recognized as some of the smartest animals in the world, they are extremely playful, and they are extraordinarily curious. Dolphins are notorious for playing alongside cruise ships as they sail across the ocean, they are easy to train and love to do tricks, they recognize each other and have different names, and they even use drugs recreationally. 9: Seals & Penguins This is a raunchy one, and definitely not something for the faint of heart. Most people know by now that intercourse in the animal kingdom is not very romantic. It is often brutal, deadly, and altogether ugly. But a recent discovery in 2006 by researchers observing life on Marion Island in Antarctica goes bey
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