English Christian Song | “Know God Through His Sovereignty Over All Things“

English Christian Song | “Know God Through His Sovereignty Over All Things“ I However much understanding of God there is in people’s hearts, that’s also the extent of the position He holds in their hearts. However great the degree of knowledge of God is in their hearts, that’s how great God is in their hearts, how great God is in their hearts. If the God that you know is empty and vague, then the God you believe in is also empty and vague. The God that you know is limited to the scope of your own personal life; the God that you know has nothing to do with the true God Himself. II Thus, knowing God’s practical actions, God’s practicality and His almightiness, knowing the true identity of God Himself, knowing what He has and is, knowing the actions that He has manifested among all things— these things are very important to every single person who pursues knowledge of God. They have a direct bearing on whether people ca
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