Finnish & Hungarian’s long lost cousin - The Nganasan Language (Subtitles/Субтитры)

Studies, Essays, Articles: - [THE NGANASANS]: :// - The Nganasan Language: - [List of materials and links for everything related to Nganasans (mostly in German)] - :// - Numeral system in Nganasan: - Proto-Uralic Gradation: Continuation and Traces: :// - GREAT SOURCE: Nganasan - a fresh focus on a little known Arctic language. Janhunen, Juha. 2020 - Samoyedic Linguistic Reconstruction and Proto-History of the Samoyedic People. Eugene Helimski. 2000 [RU]: Videos: - Consonants gradation in Finnish: - Poem read in Nganasan: - Nganasan language - greetings! [RU] - The tragedy of the Nganasans [RU]: - News in Nganasan: - Nganasan Life, History, Facts [RU with ENG subtitles]: - We Are Nganasan (1967) [RU, but fascinating footage nonetheless]: - “How to keep living?” Why the Nganasans are disappearing [RU]: - Nganasan People, Culture & Languages (ILoveLanguages): Image sources: Wikimedia commons Wikipedia (Nikolay Schipko, Denis Kozhevnikov, Nornickel Press Office) 00:00 - The weirdest and most divergent Uralic language 03:39 - Vocabulary of Unknown Origin 05:11 - Dual Pronouns 06:32 - Consonant Gradation 09:02 - The REAL reason this is all so interesting 13:35 - Symptoms of a disappearing language 16:56 - Бəнде” ӈанасанə” ӈəтукəнды” нендя”туо” ӈонə хонсы хелиде” ӈиле мəнəй (правай). Сытыӈ хонды” ӈиле ӈонда ӈонə сяру, дүзытəндыӈ ихүтүӈ нягəə” сүөарусə”.
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