“Проверка Шара“ второй запуск высотного зонда. Роб Скиба.

OK. I finally got it done. Our first balloon launch got to 118,000 feet but we lost the payload. So, we had to do it again. This is our second launch and we only got to just under 100,000 feet, but we got everything back intact. Was it a success? Well, that depends on how you define success. I believed we achieved our primary objectives, which were to bust Mythbusters (while showing the differences in footage shot with a fish-eye lens and footage shot with a non-fish-eye lens). As for the other goals of exceeding 115,000 feet and honestly examining the results as we test what we believe, well, we didn’t meet the altitude goal, but we will be testing what we believe as we examine the results of this footage. The big question on many people’s minds is, “Well is the Earth flat or a globe?“ Honestly, I think both camps will see evidence for their position in this footage... which is a bit frustrating. All, I can say is this footage is inconclusive and needs more careful analysis. B
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