Immune System Booster, Health and Healing Meditation Music. Give your immune system a helping hand, by increasing alpha and theta brainwave activity, where it is believed the immune system is optimized.
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How can this music track help you boost your immune system?
In times of stress, our mental and body health can suffer, making us more susceptible to illness and infections. On the flip side, when we are in good mental health, feeling calm, relaxed and stress-free, our body does its best healing. In recent studies, meditation has been shown to improve immune system function and make positive changes to immune cells:
The studies appeared to show that changes were stronger in more experienced meditators, perhaps because they were able to experience mental states that new meditators find harder to reach.
That’s where brainwave entrainment music tracks like this one can help you, by guiding you to deeper and more relaxed mental states more easily. Allowing you to feel the full benefits normally obtained by more experienced meditation practitioners.
How it works
This is a brainwave entrainment audio session using isochronic tones combined with music. The isochronic tones are the repetitive beats you can hear on top of the music throughout the track. If brainwave entrainment and isochronic tones are new concepts for you, there is some information about that and how it works here:
To add further power to the stimulation, amplitude modulation effects have been applied to the music which produces soothing vibrations that are synced with the isochronic tones. More info on how these mind music effects work here:
The isochronic tones used in this track will help to increase more alpha and theta brainwave activity. The session stimulates you with specific frequencies which have been associated with the immune system: and 10Hz in alpha, (Schumann Resonance - The Earth’s Pulse) and in theta. The frequency cycle is then repeated as the track progresses, so the longer you listen, the more brainwave activity in these ranges you will produce.
Headphones are NOT required for this video
How should you listen to this?
It’s preferable to listen to this in a quiet and calm environment.
You can either listen with your eyes open while watching the moving images on the screen.
How loud should the volume be?
Adjust the volume to a level you feel comfortable with. It shouldn’t be so loud that it hurts your ears or becomes too distracting.
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