Hello Ladies & Gentlemen and as always, thank you for watching!! I hope my viewers are enjoying the new 4K videos!!! Today is just one of those days.... Some jobs just want to fight you every step of the way. In this video, we definitely had a fighter.... A material handler truck was at a new construction site after some heavy rains when it became bottomed-out and buried in soft mud and clay. What at first looked like a simple job for our Peterbilt 389, Miller Industries, Century 1150R rotator, turned into a nightmare. We couldn’t get off the road to get into the truck without risking sinking ourselves and we outweighed him by a lot. We are on a two lane road with no shoulder, around a blind curve on one side, and a blind hill on the other, so we try to keep traffic flowing. With no shoulder and soft ground beside the road, we have very little stability to build a decent platform for the rotator to be able to lift and winch off the side. Has the Rotator met its match on