Revive | WorshipMob original w/ Cara Summer, @Cross Worship Music, @Osby Berry, & more!

Revive | WorshipMob Original w/Cross Worship by Cara Summer, Marcos Popa, Osby Berry, & Bianca Ejiofor Live recording at one of our WorshipMob Recording Retreats! Become a worship partner with us today: Follow us for updates and announcements on new releases: Instagram Facebook Revive - by Cara Summer, Marcos Popa, Osby Berry, & Bianca Ejiofor other spontaneous by WorshipMob “Revive is an invitation, a prayer, and a deep longing for Jesus to come and breathe life into his people so that we can rise up and see his Revival manifest in our time. I pray that every person who worships with this song will join in our melody until it becomes a thunderous roar across the Earth- that we become a people filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost, that we receive revelation on what the Love of God truly is, and that we see revival in our time. I truly believe being obedient in the small things is how we will see
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