Special - Princess Elizabeth Visits Norwich (1951)

Norwich, Norfolk. LV. Princess Elizabeth’s car arriving outside Norwich City Hall. SV. Princess Elizabeth (later the Queen Elizabeth II) alighting from car with Lord Mayor Mr Eric Hinde. LV. People being presented to Princess. Various shots of the people being presented to Princess Elizabeth. SV. Pan, little girl with bouquet walks forward and presents it to Princess Elizabeth. LV. Crowd waving. LV. Princess on balcony of the City Hall declaring exhibition fortnight open. SCU. Princess Elizabeth moves across balcony. GV. Pan, crowd. SV. Towards and pan, Princess Elizabeth leaving City Hall with Mayor. LV. Crowd. SCU. Princess and Mayor in car. Car moves off towards Cathedral. GV. Interior of silk factory. SV. Towards, Princess Elizabeth walking along line of looms. LV. Towards, Princess walking along line of looms. She stops and looks at looms. SV. Towards, Princess Elizabeth walking past looms. CU. Loom working. SV. Princess looking at manufacture of boots, shoes and other footwear at footwear f
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