A song about the quadratic formula. You can memorize the whole formula and also understand the proof.
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This is my first attempt to write a song about mathematics in english. I already wrote several songs in german which you can find in this playlist:
If you try to solve a quadratic equation,
I promise you: It’s possible without any frustration,
if you take everything, move it to one side,
sort by x squared, x and the rest. Alright.
Take the coefficients, name them a, b and c
and if you know the right formula, you will see
that you get the solution in the very next step.
Just sing this song in your head:
Negative b plus or minus the square root of
b squared minus 4ac over 2a
Okay. Let’s start with our equation and our job is going to be
solving this now for x, so let’s take minus c,
multiply by 4a and if you now add b squared
it all looks way to complicated, but don’t be scared.
Just take a close look to the left side and you’ll see:
There’s a binomial formula with 2ax and b,
so altogether this is the square of 2ax b
and now we have only one x, so the next step will be
to get rid of the square and if the right side is not negative,
the square root must be one solution, but there’s an alternative,
’cause minus the square root yields the same if you square it,
so we write “plus minus“ and now we are at the point, where it
only takes two more steps to solve it for x
and if you look to the left side, you know what will be next:
Subtraction of b and division by 2a is giving us our formula for x. Okay. And it’s
Negative b plus or minus the square root of
b squared minus 4ac over 2a
Fm Db Ab Eb (and at the end: Gm Eb Bb F)
for guitar you can play with capo 1 or just a semitone down:
Em C G D (and at the end: F#m D A E)
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