Carina Round - For everything a reason (Live at Le 114 Paris)

For once, we were lucky : subjugating Carina Round finally stopped by Paris, along her recent European tour, to perform a couple of shows. Here is one concert excerpt, the haunting song ’For everything a reason’ (from her ’Things you should know’ EP) played live at Le 114 (a tiny Parisian Bar from the 11th district) on October 17, 2012. For those who could not be there, I am happy to share this with you. Follow her where you can, she’s really a precious artist of our age, and one of my favorites. PS : apologies for the sound quality which is not always as good as I hoped ... Especially because of a stupid drunk girl who was laughing on my back (for no reason) during this intense moment. Anyway, and fortunatly, the magic still kicks in. Visit :
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