Eisenhower’s State Of The Union Message (1958)

Washington D.C., United States of America (USA). Title reads ’President’s Message - State of the Union’. High angle shot of American President Dwight Eisenhower (Ike) arriving to US Congress. Good shot of the President Eisenhower and Vice-President Nixon taking their places. CU. President Eisenhower speaking on missile race with USSR - natural sound. He is saying: “At this moment the consensus of opinion is that we are probably somewhat behind the Soviets in some areas of long range ballistic missiles and development. GV. Congress applauding. CU. Eisenhower continues: “But it is my conviction based on close study of all relevant intelligence with the best information that scientists can bring to me that if we make the necessary effort we will have the missiles in the needed quality and in time to sustain and to strengthen deterrent power of our increasingly efficient bombers.“ He continues to praise the development of US weapons. They he talks about the peace and urges Soviets to collaborate in the nam
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