Radiographs are a valuable diagnostic tool, as an adjunct to clinical examination in the diagnosis of dental diseases. Two dimensional periapical and panoramic radiographs are routinely used in dental practice. However, there are certain limitations of two-dimensional radiographs, which can be overcome by three-dimensional, imaging techniques such as cone beam computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound.
Intraoral radiographic examination is the backbone of imaging for the general dental practitioner. It comprises of three categories: periapical, bitewing and occlusal projec
The periapical radiograph provides detailed information about the teeth and the surrounding tissues . It is mainly utilized for assessment of pulp and root canal morphology, supporting alveolar bone status in the inter-dental region, detection of periapical pathology and crown/root fractures. It is especially useful for endodontic treatment for pre-treatment evaluation of roots and root canal morphology,Show more