Shadow and Bone | Levitating

“Shadow man“ Watch in HD English caption available note: First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500 SUBSCRIBERS !! I appreciate all of your kind comments from my previous s&b edit. I was torn between editing a ship or soc edit but I end up making another waggish edit instead lol. I added the bloopers to this video to make it more entertaining. I can’t wait to reach 1k subscribers so that I can have my own community tab and spam y’all with s&b memes *insert laughing emoji*. Hope you enjoy today’s video !! --- details: Fandom: Shadow and Bone Music: Levitating - Dua Lipa Program: Final Cut Pro Coloring: mine --- logoless account: (@anelfyboi_) --- sc: 502 tags: #ShadowandBone #TheCrows #Fanvidfeed #Viddingisart #SixofCrows #humor #levitating #fandvidfeed --- I do not monetize my videos. This is a fan art channel and I own nothing but the editing.
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