The 26th Cycle Messenger World Championships took place in Rīga, the capital of Latvia, on August 22-26.
The friends gained and bonds built during this annual reunification of the messfam, as the messenger community calls itself, are born of a special, Latvian flavour. In total there were almost 500 registered participants and volunteers from 45 countries.
This international competition, which is also the world’s largest city cycling festival, brings together hundreds of cyclists and other active lifestyle enthusiasts from all over the world every year to test participants’ agility, speed, and strength in more than 10 different disciplines.
No 22. līdz 26. augustam Rīgā norisinājās 26. Pasaules velokurjeru čempionāts. Šīs ikgadējās velokurjeru ģimenes atkalapvienošanās laikā daudzi ieguvuši jaunus draugus, kas paliks atmiņā ar īpašo Latvijas garšu.