Carols and Motets for Christmas recorded at the Toronto Oratory.
0:00 The Blessed Son of God (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
3:20 Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Hugo Distler)
5:59 Sing lullaby (Herbert Howells)
9:40 O magnum mysterium (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
13:30 Bethlehem Down (Peter Warlock)
17:40 Gaudete omnes (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
The musicians are:
Teresa Mahon, Lindsay McIntyre, sopranos
Simon Honeyman, Jessica Wright, altos
Dave Finneran, Ben Keast, tenors
Victor Cheng, Graham Robinson, basses
Aaron James, conductor
0:00 The Blessed Son of God (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
The Blessed Son of God only
In a crib full poor did lie;
With our poor flesh and our poor blood
Was clothed that everlasting good:
Kyrie eleison.
The Lord Christ Jesus, God’s son dear
Was a guest and a stranger here,
Us for to bring from misery,
That we might live eternally:
Kyrie eleison.
All this did he for us freely,
For to declare his great mercy;
All Christendom be merry therefore,
and give him thanks for evermore:
Kyrie eleison.
3:20 Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Hugo Distler)
Es ist ein Ros’ entsprungen
aus einer Wurzel zart,
als uns die Alten sungen:
von Jesse kam die Art,
und hat ein Blümlein bracht
mitten in kalten Winter
wohl zu der halben Nacht.
So singen wir all Amen,
das heißt: nun werd es wahr,
was wir begehrn allsamen,
O Jesu, hilf uns dar
in deines Vaters Reich,
drin wollen wir dich loben.
O Gott, uns das verleih!
[Lo, how a rose e’er blooming
from tender stem hath sprung.
Of Jesse’s lineage coming,
as men of old have sung;
it came, a flowret bright,
amid the cold of winter
when half-spent was the night.
So we all sing Amen,
that is: now let it be so, what we all desire;
O Jesus, help us to come
into your Father’s kingdom,
where we wish to praise you:
O God, grant us this!]
5:59 Sing lullaby (Herbert Howells)
Sing lullaby,
while snow doth gently fall,
Sing lullaby to Jesus,
born in an oxen stall.
Sing lullaby to Jesus
born now in Bethlehem;
the naked black-thorn’s growing
To weave his diadem.
Sing lullaby to Jesus
while thickly snow doth fall;
sing lullaby to Jesus,
the Saviour of all.
Sing lullaby.
9:40 O magnum mysterium (Tomás Luis de Victoria)
O magnum mysterium, et admirabile sacramentum, ut animalia viderunt Dominum natum, jacentem in praesepio. O beata virgo, cuius viscera meruerunt portare Dominum Jesum Christum, alleluia.
[O great mystery, and wondrous sacrament, that animals should see the newborn Lord lying in a manger! O blessed virgin, whose womb was worthy to bear the Lord Jesus Christ, alleluia.]
13:30 Bethlehem Down (Peter Warlock)
When he is King we will give him the King’s gifts,
Myrrh for his sweetness, and gold for a crown,
Beautiful robes, said the young girl to Joseph,
Fair with her firstborn on Bethlehem Down.
Bethlehem Down is full of the starlight,
Winds for the spices, and stars for the gold,
Mary for sleep, and for lullaby music,
Songs of a shepherd by Bethlehem fold.
When he is King they will clothe him in grave-sheets,
Myrrh for embalming, and wood for a crown,
He that lies now in the white arms of Mary,
Sleeping so lightly on Bethlehem Down.
Here he has peace and a short while for dreaming,
Close-huddled oxen to keep him from cold,
Mary for love, and for lullaby music,
Songs of a shepherd by Bethlehem fold.
17:40 Gaudete omnes (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
Gaudete omnes, et laetamini, quia ecce desideratus advenit; introite in conspectu eius in exsultatione. Scitote quoniam ipse est expectatio nostra, alleluia.
[Rejoice and be glad, all of you, for behold he for whom you have longed comes; come into his presence with singing. Know that he is our hope, alleluia.]
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