Weltmeister Wednesdays Concert Series Week 15 - 2021

Weltmeister Wednesday is a new Virtual Online Concert Series Event. EVERY 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, started on 6th of May 2020, at / p.m. German Time Zone right here on our social media channel. We will host 1-hour, commercial free, Accordion Entertainment by players from All around the world. Enjoy the International Sounds of the music playing while practicing Self Distancing and please remember Staying home keeps you and many others, including critical healthcare workers, safe and alive. “We are all in this together.“ Tonight, we have Duo Artina : Martina Jembrišak – Accordion and Andrea Jelavić – Flute and Uiliam Michelon Quartet: Uiliam Michelon - Music Director & Accordion, Thiago Carlotto – Guitar, Gleidson Dondoni – Drums and Rodrigo Ziliotto – Bass and the Pan Tonale
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