Ronald Bernard - 2 - The deep insights gained from my first life

🇬🇧 spoken / 🇳🇱 ondertiteling / 🇵🇹 legendas / 🇬🇧 subtitles / Subtitles in other languages are more than welcome and can be sent to: Thanks. READ THE CONTENT DESCRIPTION OF THE VIDEO in the language of your choice and also the section at ATTENTION in the English description, this is an important message about the use of external links. 🇬🇧 English: In this video, Ronald tells how, during his career in finance, he learned more about the structure and power of the people he worked for. He talks about his experiences, in how people behave and act contradictorily, about our free will and the choices and responsibilities we as humans can further shape. ATTENTION - Since 18 November 2023, YouTube is restricting this channel. According to them, we do not always comply with their “Community Guidelines“. From now on, we cannot add working external links to the video description. You will have to copy and insert the given link into your browser yourself. Don’t let the inconvenience discourage you ;-) Part 1 Ronald Bernard - 1 - How my first life started to develop: 🇳🇱 Nederlands: In deze video vertelt Ronald over hoe hij tijdens zijn carrière in de financiële wereld meer te weten kwam over de structuur en macht van de mensen waar hij voor werkte. Hij vertelt over zijn ervaringen, in hoe mensen zich tegenstrijdig gedragen en voordoen, over onze vrije wil, de keuzes en verantwoordelijkheden die wij als mensen verder vorm kunnen geven. 🇵🇹 Português: Neste vídeo, Ronald conta como, durante a sua carreira no sector financeiro, descobriu mais sobre a estrutura e o poder das pessoas para quem trabalhava. Fala das suas experiências, de como as pessoas se comportam e agem de forma contraditória, do nosso livre arbítrio, das escolhas e responsabilidades que nós, enquanto humanos, podemos exercer.
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