Directed by: Shah Talifta Camera by: Slippy Inc Recording Studio - Sound Producer - Sergey Lubinsky Sound Engineer - Roman Bondar LISTEN: Tunes - GP - SF - BC - SC - FB - VK - Insta - Site - LYRICS: Your life as you know slowly turning to rubble, filth and disgrace (Aw, wait!) Now! You may end up in ditch - consequences on your face (And now what that’s about?) Bow! That is what it’s gonna be The Lord is speaking through me “Stop“ is what he said! (What did he said?) Rescue that you seek i will bring! *** . wanna be - but O.D. gonna be, ya! *** My prays for you, biATCH, when you get wrong vigor i repeat that, i’m gonna bleed you dry and grown much b
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