What is the probability of 52 Sundays in a non leap year?

Q: What is the probability of 52 Sundays in a non leap year? The probability of getting 52 Sunday’s in a year is 6/7 . Let us see how : A non leap year has 365 days and 52 weeks . So a normal year will definitely have 52 Sundays. So 52 weeks *7 days == 364 days . So in a non leap year there will be 52 Sundays and one day extra. 365 days - 364 days == 1 day. The extra day can be any day like Sunday ,Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday ,Friday or Saturday. The probability of getting 53 Sundays == 1/7 So the probability of getting 52 Sundays == 1- 1/7 == 6/7 . A leap year is a year which has 366 days instead of 365 days . Every four year is a leap year. #simpleProbability #math #Statistics #chances #coinToss #probabilityLine #likelyEvent #unlikelyEvent #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #geetics #pedigree #Genotype #Phenotype #probability #multiplicationRule #additionRule #mutuallyExclusive #IndependentEvents #crashCourse #crashcourse #stats #apStats #apStatistics #conditional #theoretical #empirical #independent #Education #introduction #sampleSpace #treeDiagrams #chance #Lesson #maths #data #probabilityFormula #basicProbability #biology
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