Premier Off To . Aka Premier Off To Us (1954)

London Airport. GV . stratocruiser “Canopus“. LV Sir Winston Churchill and party walking towards plane. SV pan, Sir Winston Churchill walking with . Chairman Sir Miles Thomas. Lady Churchill following behind. SCU pan, Mr and Mrs Anthony Eden walking to plane. SV “Canopus“. CU “Canopus“, nose of plane. SV Sir Winston Churchill chatting to Sir Miles Thomas at foot of gangway. SV crowd. Sir Winston Churchill followed by Sir Miles Thomas and then by Mr Anthony Eden walking up gangway they turn and wave. STV crowd cheering. SV Mrs Eden followed by Lady Churchill leaving plane. SV “Canopus“ engines starting. SV Lady Churchill, Mrs Eden and Sir Miles Thomas watching. SV “Canopus“ taxiing away. SV crowd. LV pan, Canopus taxiing up runway. SV Lady Churchill, Mrs Eden and Sir Miles Thomas and party watching from roof. LV pan, “Canopus“ flying away. (Neg.) (Title Scene “J“) FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES,
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