|✵| Animash - What Makes You Beautiful |✵| [One Direction] ❥ For Silvs! ϡ
✵ Okay. What to type first here. I worked for shit-loads of hours on this-- OH WHAT THE HECK.
✵ This video is partially my audition video the RainStarsStudios, partially a MEP part for ChocolateCooKieMEPs, and partially a dedication video for the most awesomeful, epic-est, amazing-est (SEE WHAT I DID THERE).. UH, FOR SILVS❣❣❣ I love you dude. More than you will ever imagine. You light up my world like nobody else! ❤❤
✵ Quick contest; Anybody who can tell me what the flashing colourful columns write (from 0:15 to 0:18) will get shit-loads of likes on their most recent 20 videos! :D (Just kidding, 4 likes on your newest 20 videos donated by me and 3 more pals. :B) Remember, you have to get at least 3 out of 5 columns right! ;D Good luck trying to pause the video! *O*
-- End of contest, I was surprised people didn’t get right some pretty easy columns! xD Correct