vAS+2 | 117’108 score | Support Stamina Sorcerer (MK+WM)

Group: Smooth Criminals Setups: Prebuff: Arkasis Clever Alchemist Boss: Martial Knowledge, War Machine, Kilt, 1 pc Slimecraw, vMA Bow Is it the best setup? No idea. I run something else every day to test, everything seems to do about the same damage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I run 1-pet and (try to) drop Storm Atro far away because pets steal Pillager in this patch. Maw of the Infernal works as well. For full-parse go Coral Tzogvin or Relequen Tzogvin. vBRP bow backbar works pretty well too. I think it’s better than vMA bow but I didn’t bother running it cause I finally figured out sustain and didn’t want to bother fiddling around with it again by adding another expensive stam skill.
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