PHILOSOPHY - Nietzsche

Nietzsche believed that the central task of philosophy was to teach us to ’become who we are’. You can find out more about him and other great thinkers in our ’Great Thinkers’ book. For books from The School of Life, visit our online shop: If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): FURTHER READING “The challenge begins with how to pronounce his name. The first bit should sound like ‘Knee’, the second like ‘cher’: Knee – cher. Friedrich Nietzsche was born in 1844 in a quiet village in the eastern part of Germany, where – for generations – his forefathers had been pastors. He did exceptionally well at school and university; and so excelled at ancient Greek (a very prestigious subject, at the time) that he was made a professor at the University of Basel when still only in his mid-twenties…” You can read more on this and many other topics on our blog at this link: MORE SCHOOL OF LIFE Our website has classes, articles and products to help you think and grow: Watch more films on PHILOSOPHY in our playlist: Do you speak a different language to English? Did you know you can submit Subtitles on all of our videos on YouTube? For instructions how to do this click here: SOCIAL MEDIA Feel free to follow us at the links below: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: CREDITS Produced in collaboration with: Mad Adam #TheSchoolOfLife
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