Моя 2-я ПОПЫТКА создать ЧАРУЮЩИЙ Видео-Ролик (со звуком) (My 2nd ATTEMPT to create а charming Video clip (with sound))

This is my 2nd attempt to CREATE (for 10 seconds only) FASCINATING VIDEO by MY HANDS and My Intellect!.. WATCH (and even LISTEN) (just below) the Video Clip that I just made myself!!!.. 💖 😊 💯 👍🏻 TURN ON the SOUND on the video window!!! .. 💯 🎧 ❤ I did (just for a TEST, very lightly, to train my abilities) something like a PRESENTATION of our Group about Mireille Mathieu and Edith Piaf, as You will probably understand after watching (and listening to) this Video.. 💖😊💯🎵
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