#ONPASSIVE - Artificial Intelligence Vision Technology

#Otracker #Ecosystem #ONPASSIVE #ONPASSIVE #AshMufareh #Ecosystem #Oconnect #Otracker ONPASSIVE is a pioneer in artificial vision technology, using advanced artificial intelligence to deliver a wide range of customized solutions to help companies improve their performance and increase their profits. Our technology has an exceptional ability to analyze visual data from the real world, giving companies insights into their customers, operations and the markets in which they operate. Artificial vision technology: how it works and its applications Artificial vision technology is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables machines to see and understand the world. Common applications of this technology include facial recognition, object detection, medical imaging and self-driving cars. How does artificial vision technology work? Artificial vision technology is based on machine learning, where complex models are trained on huge data sets of images and videos. This process allows mo
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