Специальный Психологический Курс Вадима Старова Берлин

Курс Вадима Старова СВЕРХВОЗМОЖНОСТИ - Альфа Гипноз. Наша группа в контакте “ СИСТЕМА КОСМОС“ МОСКВА Академия Сверхвозможностей Systema “Kosmos“ Berlin Workshop in Berlin, Germany “Systema Spetsnaz” Vadim Starov 6 - 8 November 2015 Summer Camp Berlin Universal system for self-defense, self-development, Martial Arts. Russian martial art / Contact Martial Arts / Psychology and Physical Training Russian Spetsnaz 6 - 7 November 2015 Basic Course Systema Spetsnaz (public) 8 November 2015 Master Course Systema Spetsnaz / Non Contact Combat Author, lecturer and instructor: Vadim Starov Contact, information, registration: 49 (0) 172 381 7321. Wolfram Ruhtz immcont@ Location of Event: Ort: Deutschland, Eberswalde is 40 km from Berlin The number of people is limited. Non Contact Combat: - Personal style, techniques and strategies of pugilism; - The resources inside the body; - Bioenergetics, Energetic breathing, working with energy; - Psycho-physical capabilities of the control of the enemy: body movements, language, breathing; - Illusions - shackles of consciousness, attention; - Working with time - affect the speed of the opponent; - Developing of extrasensoric skills - And much more. Topics may vary and depend primarily on the capabilities and needs of the participants.
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