Diana Ankudinova / Диана Анкудинова - Can’t Help falling In Love - New Zealand Vocal Coach
Give Diana some love:
🆓 FREE: Warm Up like a Pro:
🆓 FREE: How to learn a song from scratch
❌ This is not a critique, it is a lesson on how you can use vocal technique to create similar sounds in your own voice. Obviously you will not sound exactly like any other artist because we are all individuals. The goal of this video is to educate, and I categorically disagree with criticising someone else’s performance or voice. I am all about good, healthy, long-lasting vocal technique. ❌
🤟 Let’s be kind to one another and celebrate listening to wonderful music as a community. 🤟
📖 Glossary: 📖
False Vocal Folds: False vocal folds, also called ventricular folds are a pair of thick folds of mucous membrane that are located above the larynx. They close when swallowing to protect the lungs.
Thin Vocal Folds: When the folds thin out when you go higher in the range. Also known